
Connecting with a younger audience through cultural insight

  • advertising
  • pharma
  • campaign
  • strategy
  • concept
  • ideation
  • creative direction
  • art direction
  • copywriting
  • storytelling
  • client contact


The effervescent headache tablet Treo has a long and well-known advertising history in Sweden. Many Swedes probably remember at least one of the old TV commercials. Despite this, the comic approach that Treo had employed for decades hadn’t worked in terms of attracting a younger target audience to buy the product. 

Declining sales and — more importantly — a consistent rise in the age of the consumers indicated that no new consumers were being added from younger target audiences and that the current Treo buyer quite literally was dying out. Treo’s brand awareness was through the roof — over 92% in the intended target audience — but they lacked buyers. 

Treo needed to find a way to attract a younger audience and since women are overrepresented when it comes to headaches, they became the focus in our campaign. 

92% Brand Awareness in target audience

Declining sales due to an aging consumer base

Shifted target to young women


To put this campaign in its cultural context — back in 2017 the Norwegian TV-series Skam was immensely popular in Sweden. A drama series about the daily life of teenagers that “everyone” watched.

We were inspired by the way stories were told with text messages shown on-screen and in our casting of a young, relatable main character for the TV commercial as well as the choice of models for the photo shoot. 

Relatable Stories for
Everyday Moments

Relatable Stories for
Everyday Moments

Our communication concept for Treo, ‘Don’t let a headache stand in the way,’ tells stories that are both personal and relatable. 

The situations aren’t too “grown-up” or huge: no weddings, around-the-world trips, or newborn children. Instead, Treo focuses on the small stories and nuances: looking forward to a day for yourself with Netflix and a cup of tea or a date with that special someone. 

Results and outcome

Enhanced brand engagement

Creative leadership

Client trust and new opportunities

While specific metrics remain proprietary, the campaign markedly enhanced brand engagement and rejuvenated Treo’s market presence, as evidenced by the expanded trust and responsibilities bestowed upon us by MEDA. 

In this project, I was responsible for the creative direction from start to finish; including pitching, concept development, idea creation, art direction, copywriting, briefing production companies, overseeing the post-production, and securing the overall look and feel for the entire campaign. 

The success of the Treo campaign was not just a win in terms of creative execution but also in reinforcing our client relationship and showcasing our capability to navigate the stringent regulations of medical advertising. 

MEDA’s confidence in our strategy and execution was so strong that they awarded us their Zyx brand account, entrusting us without a formal pitch process. This assignment not only affirmed the effectiveness of our campaign approach but also highlighted our agency’s adeptness in a challenging segment.

Personal reflection

Getting to work with Treo was a blend of nostalgia and excitement.  Having grown up with Treo’s iconic ads, I was thrilled to get a chance to handle the brand. Marvelous role as a creative agency within a media agency, typically known for smaller media solutions, challenged me to prove our worth for a full-service account. 

Despite the excitement, the campaign posed a unique challenge: marrying creativity with the strict legalities of medical communication. The strategic foundation was solid, meeting the client’s needs effectively. 

The project was a significant learning curve, enhancing my skills within client relations, navigating medical advertising jurisdiction, and leading a comprehensive creative process. From coordinating with production companies to making final calls on casting, this experience has been instrumental in shaping my approach to advertising.

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Let's connect.

Art director / senior advertising creative based in Stockholm. Available for work.